If you ever tried make money online, you would know that how crazy the market is. Most vendors are launching shiny objects every now and then to attract new people, make more sale. Most newbies are trying to make sale and sale only. All of these will feel like an ecommerce site where people come to buy and vendors offers products. But this is not an ecommerce business. Make money online with affiliate marketing is based on transformation and long term strategies. I’m following two principels that I think are a must if anyone wants to make money online with affiliate marketing. They are:
- What you give is what you get
I believe in this principle because I love the following quote:
“You can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want out of life.” - Jim Rohn
It is so amazing. I have found the proof of it again and again, whenever I reveals my best secrets, strategies with people, immediately I came to know a better secrets, better strategies from someone else or in the form of an epiphany.
- What you say is what you do
Soon you will realize there are more people sharing strategies that they are not doing… I would possibly reveal some of them through my reviews as well. But I want to assure you that I will share what I am doing with this blog. I won’t hide anything because of the principle #1.
I hope these 2 principles makes sense to you. Let me know your opinion regarding these.